Monday, October 25, 2010

Eimer's Best Netflix Reviews - Mr. Brooks

Judging from everyone I talked to concerning this film, I thought Mr. Brooks was going to be fucking awesome.

However, about halfway in, I found myself experiencing the reverse. I was a bit bored and annoyed with the five different plot points in the film:
  • Kevin Costner being a serial killer
  • Demi Moore divorcing her ex-husband
  • Dane Cook wanting to be a serial killer
  • Costner's daughter
  • And let's not forget the escape of another serial killer from prison.
A book would have been a better way to go with this than a movie. There's just too much content to weave a plausible storyline.

One idea would be to just focus on Mr. Brooks and his daughter, have William Hurt and police officer Demi Moore come in halfway through and set the movie in the daughter's college town. Without giving too much away, that alone would make a suspenseful two hour flick.

Although the movie looked pretty in terms of production, cinematography and direction, I wasn't fooled. Duo directors Evans and Gideon were looking to make a serial killeresque LOCK, STOCK AND TWO SMOKING BARRELS, or even a PULP FICTION mass murderer flick.

But, instead these two chickens laid a big, fat, brown turd.


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