Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Eimertoons - Small Business Agent Cartoon

I've been slipping.

In reading. In pushing my creative chops outside of work. In (gulp!) cartooning.

I always said, if I gave up on doodling on sketchbooks and reading comic books then I've completely grown up and transformed into an old man. Never, I say. NEVER!

Which is why it was so nice that a designer approached me last week to create a cartoon for one of our external customer newsletters, which is supposed to accompany a crossword puzzle.

Truth be told, I was a little rusty. And I suck at drawing women. But, it all came back to me. And, the photoshop skills kicked in. Hell, I was even able to incorporate a little vector, fine-line action via Illustrator. This is by no means my best stuff. But it felt nice getting back on the horse again.
I have a poster-sized piece down in my basement that needs some ink applied to it. It's on my to-complete list for 2018. And this little piece just got my creative mojo humming.

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