Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Eimer's Best & Worst Movie Experiences of 2022

Just popping in to send my one or two readers my top movie experiences of the past year. I would've knocked this out sooner, but for the first time since I can remember I decided to take the entire week off between Christmas and New Years. It was a blast, and I highly recommend everyone doing it. I caught up on a number of movies (and drank a lot of beer and gambled as well). πŸ˜•

In any event, I managed to watch a shitload of movies last year. Some were not from 2022, but that's okay. That's why I say experiences rather than '22 films. 

Take a look and please be sure to toss your favs in the comment section or on Facebook. Also, be sure to follow my OneSentenceMovieReviews on Twitter.  Have a great 2023!!

Best Movie Experiences of 2022

And now .....

Worst Movie Experiences of 2022

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